Thursday, August 18, 2011

The very young do not always do as they are told

Pride is the root of all sin. It says I know best. It says I'm the best. It lies to us about ourselves and tells us we can learn nothing from others that we don't already know from our own superior genius. Paradoxically, its a lie that only we believe. It's like the Emperor's new clothes. Everyone else can see he's been tricked except for him. We have stories like this for a reason. Fairy stories and fables are meant to communicate a truth we really ought to listen to instead of just concluding that if anyone disagrees with us, they are trying to slight us. This is pride, and it false tolerance, where I will only tolerate you if you agree with me, and I don't have to return the favor. You're the only one who is being intolerant, not me. I don't have to tolerate you, but you have to tolerate me because I know best and you don't. So--- if you think oil is good for cars, and I object to you imposing your views on a molasses user, I'm right and you're wrong. You're a driver and I'm a pedestrian because you imposed your car owner's manual on me and had the audacity to shove your oil is better for cars than molasses viewpoint on me. It's not my fault you're a bigot, and if you had kept your mouth shut my car would still run properly.

Does anyone see a pattern here?

The old believe everything

Oscar Wilde said The old Believe Everything, The middle aged Suspect Everything, The young Know everything

There is truth to this statement, and by all accounts the human race has achieved it's great design- Eternal Youth. The majority of the human race thinks they know everything, has long since ceased suspecting anything, and yet believes everything, causing a paradox whereby they are both very old and very young.

And sometimes The very young do not always do as they are told, as said in a sci fi show I enjoy. They should have listened, and we should have too.